Monday, March 22, 2010


A reader from Montana asked me, "If you had the choice, would you rather date the 1979 version of Mrs. Garrett or the 1989 edition of Blanche Devereaux, assuming you could go back in time and maintain your 2001 age?"

Whoa! That's like asking me to choose between Food Lion Mint and Rite-Aid Peppermint mouthwashes. I must confess a weakness for older women in house dresses and aprons who spend many a day baking fresh cookies and feather-dusting wooden furniture. The fact
that Mrs. G had a big bundle of red hair to go along with her outfit and cleaning toy certainly added to the attraction. Remember the date she had with a suitor in his late-twenties? Proof positive that Edna (sorry, ma'am!) was down for some May-December action.

Blanche? Heck, if you were male, she would give you the time and place! This woman just oozed sex in her every movement and word (If Blanche's Southern-speak didn't make you melt, you were water to begin with!). If looks were my sole concern, Blanche and I would share a boudoir more often. But since this golden girl had a habit of collecting men like Sebastian Bach seeks out Kiss memorabilia, I'll pull the Villanova-over-Georgetown upset and run into the waiting arms of Mrs. G.

You take the good or you take the bad. It's a fact of life.

1 comment:

  1. Older women rock! Another difficult choice would be Kirstie Alley versus Kathy Bates. For her disrobing scene in "About Schmidt," KB might get a slight nod.
