The Sign Offs - s/t (Disaster, 2002)
Does your cee dee changer currently house Turbonegro's Hot Cars And Spent Contraceptives, Motley Crue's Too Fast For Love, U.S. Bombs' The World and D Generation's No Lunch? If so, congratulate yourself for having fine taste and clear a slot for this rockin' five-piece from Clevo. Mixing the riff raff of heavy metal ("Devil On My Shoulder" etched its circle-and-star insignia on said skin for six minutes and twenty-one seconds, while "Quicksand" drowned a denim-jacketed hesher in a four-minute bloodbath of tainted O-positive guitar), the slurred snarl of punk ("Sickness" and "Real Side" were a couple of Rotten apples from the teacher in turn poisoned by the students), and the down-on-the-street slumber of glam ("She's In The Shower" panhandled long enough to turn bath water into booze), The Sign Offs offer eleven drink specials on their liquid menu. Happy hour's all day and night when these guys are tending bar. Headbangers, fuck-the-worlders, and street urchins are most welcome at the door. Eye Dees not required, because most people don't know who they are. How is some posted date-checkin' monkey on 'roids gonna have a clue?
Saw The Sign Offs with The Richmond Sluts at Chicho's about eight years ago. Nursed one beer throughout the entire show. If only I'd been able to maintain that kinda discipline with the bottle...