Friday, March 19, 2010


Mitch starts seeing an attractive blonde woman in her 40s. She has a 15-year-old daughter, who becomes the object of Hobie's affection. Hobie sends signals to let the girl know he's interested, but she is unresponsive.

On the other hand, the girl really takes to Mitch. She starts hanging around his lifeguard station, baking him cookies, watching him eat, etc. Mitch notices this behavior and has a talk with his son. He tells Hobie that girls can be awkward in their teenage years and not to sell himself short. In an attempt to smooth things over, Mitch suggests that the four of them double-date. The girl thinks it's a great idea, because Mitch thought of it. She still continues to ignore Hobie.

They venture out to a country bar for an evening of line-dancing. Mitch and his lady friend enjoy doing the "Achy Breaky," but Hobie and his "date" stay at the table and sip unknown carbonated beverages. Mitch comes off the floor to check on the two's progress. The girl asks Mitch for a dance, but he wants her to dance with Hobie. She agrees, and Hobie tries his damnedest to imitate Billy Ray Cyrus. The girl is amused and calls him a "dork." Hobie runs to daddy and whines about the incident. Mitch consoles the boy and says, "Don't worry. Hey, how 'bout an A&W Cream Soda?"

1 comment:

  1. From 1997. Never enjoyed an A&W Cream Soda while watching "Baywatch." But I've certainly guzzled plenty of 'em inside country bars.
